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Back exercises at home

Back exercises at home. Back pain is widespread - targeted training often improves the symptoms.

It is a cross with the cross! Studies assume that the vast majority of the world suffers from back pain at least once in their lives. Targeted exercise can often prevent or alleviate existing symptoms. 

"It is important for back exercises that they are performed two to three times a week," says Carolin Heilmann. "It's best to leave a break in between so that the muscles can regenerate."

Exercise 1: arm circles

  • This exercise trains the upper back. 
  • Tip: Make sure that the shoulders remain low. If you don't have dumbbells, you can simply do the exercise with two water bottles.

Exercise 2: Bend in the trunk

  • You need an exercise ball for this exercise. You are training your lower back
  • Tip: Pull the shoulder blades together tightly as if you wanted to pinch a sheet of paper in between.

Exercise 3: back-shoulder lift

  • This exercise trains the middle and lower back.
  • Tip: Move your elbows backward close to your body.

Exercise 4: Bent over rowing

  • This exercise trains the upper back and shoulder area. 
  • Tip: Here, too, you can simply train with two water bottles instead of dumbbells.

Greenlight from the doctor?

If you are over 35 years of age, have not exercised for a long time, or suffer from previous illnesses, you should ask your doctor for safety whether the exercises are individually suitable.


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